Welcome to the College of Fine and Applied Arts! We are pleased that you are considering our College and Appalachian State University for this very important part of your life. The College of Fine and Applied Arts is proud of its diversity, hands-on learning and varying perspectives. As a student in this college, your education is our top priority. The Dean's Office for the College of Fine and Applied Arts is a great resource for you as you consider your education, major and graduation. Here you will find important information about the College, its departments and programs, news and events, and what you need to become a student in the College. We welcome you to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.
Prospective Student Information
- Majors, Minors and Master's
- Tours
- Transfer Information
- Office of Admissions
- Office of the Registrar
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Visit the links at the left for our department webpages