The College of Fine and Applied Arts requests that student forms be submitted electronically using the Google Forms Submission link for expedited processing.
**Please note handwritten forms will not be accepted**
Process for completion of forms for undergraduate students:
1. Students should download the fillable PDF, type in the student and course information on all the necessary form(s) requests, and save the PDF. Signatures for the instructor, chair, and dean are not required at this point. See #3.
2. Students will submit the saved PDF form(s) via the Student Form Submission link.
3. The student records staff in the dean's office will receive the form (s) and forward them to instructors, chairs, and the associate dean for approval and signatures.
4. After all required approvals and signatures have been received, the form(s) will be sent to the registrar's office for final approval and registration.
5. Students must plan accordingly to meet registration deadlines, which are listed on the Registrar's Calendars & Schedules.
The following forms are fillable PDF files or links to other University pages:
- Change/Addition/Deletion of Major, Minor, Certificate, or Catalog Year form
- Course Audit form
- Credit by Examination form
- Drop/Add form (Use only after the drop/add period ends and before the 9th week of class)
- Exception to the Drop Policy form
- Grade Forgiveness Exception form
- Incomplete Grade Agreement form (faculty and student signatures required before submission)
- Independent Study with required Special Course form
- Individual Study form (Special Course form)
- Instructional Assistance with required Special Course form
- Petition for Transfer Credit form
- Research Assistant with required Special Course form
- Special Course form (use for Thesis or Dissertation - Other (Technical Assistant)
- Visiting Coursework Permission Request