Applied Design

Richard Prisco thumbnail

Transforming Futures: Appalachian State University's Furniture Design Program Aug 20, 2024

Appalachian State University's Furniture Design program isn't just about crafting beautiful pieces—it's about transforming futures.

Applied Design
John Lalevee

Furniture design student puts knowledge to practice with Appalachian’s Solar Vehicle Team May 23, 2018

During the 2017–18 year, industrial design student John Lalevee had the opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream by designing t

Applied Design, Sustainability Spotlight
Ally Mangini

Appalachian student awarded honorable mention in international lighting design competition May 21, 2018

For the fifth consecutive year, an Appalachian State University student has brought home honors in the annual SOURCE awards competition, host

Applied Design
A student working on her collection

Applied Design hosts ‘Showcase 2018’ on April 28 Apr 18, 2018

The Department of Applied Design’s Apparel Design and Merchandising program will present “Showcase 2018” at Holmes Convocation C

Applied Design
Walter Mingledorff

Award-winning student finds inspiration at Appalachian Mar 6, 2018

Senior industrial design major Walter Mingledorff may have started his collegiate career at Tallahassee Community College but has found a home... Applied Design

Emma Morris

Inaugural Harb Scholarship awarded to interior design student Feb 6, 2018

Emma Morris, a senior interior design major from Charlotte, has been awarded the inaugural Jane S.

Applied Design
Emma Morris

Appalachian State University design student takes home honors in international PAVE competition Feb 1, 2018

Emma Morris, a senior enrolled in the Department of Applied Design’s interior design program, has received third place in the Planning and V

Applied Design
Samantha Young and Sarah Bischoff

Innovation, surprise win students a place on the runway Jan 9, 2018

You won’t find “Red Rocks at Sunset” and “Paris City Lights” listed on Amazon Books or as new Netflix series.

Applied Design