What should I see when I look at a student's worksheet?

DegreeWorks displays a student's program of study worksheet based upon the program, course information and catalog year in the Banner student data system and the curriculum scribed in DegreeWorks.

For degree-seeking, you should see a degree block and a major block, and a concentration block if the major requires a concentration. You should also see a general education block unless the student has met those requirements in some other way (CCC CORE, GEP MET, etc.)


CompleteCheck mark will appear beside all requirements that have been completed within the audit. The row will be highlighted light yellow and display the course that fulfilled the requirement along with the grade and term the course was taken.
Not CompleteEmpty red box will appear beside all requirements that have not yet been completed. The row will be highlighted in pink and will also include course(s) needed to complete the requirement.
Complete except for classes in-progressA tilde (~) symbol will appear for requirements where the classes needed are currently being taken or are registered for in a future term. The row will be highlighted light blue.
Nearly complete - see advisorA double tilde symbol will appear when all the course requirements have been met but there are additional requirements that have not. (Example: minimum grade, minimum GPA, etc.)