Wey Hall update, sent to Art Department students, faculty and staff
I’d like to provide you with information regarding Wey Hall.
As you know, classes in Wey Hall were canceled yesterday afternoon, and the building will remain closed until Monday morning. This action was taken in response to a report by Interim Department Chair Joshua White yesterday from a faculty member regarding safety concerns and damage in his office, and a separate complaint from a student regarding cracked ceiling tiles in a classroom.
Upon receiving these complaints, Mr. White immediately reported them to me, which initiated a series of safety inspections that began yesterday and continue as I write this message. It has been determined that during Spring Break, while contractors were drilling, concrete debris fell into the ceiling tiles, and the contractor failed to follow approved university safety protocols.
It is important to note that the university takes this matter very seriously.
All concrete debris has been removed from the ceilings in Wey, and additional inspections and safety meetings will continue throughout the remainder of the week. The university's Environmental Health, Safety and Emergency Management Director is providing an additional, independent safety review.
The contractor has taken appropriate personnel actions to remove the problem, and has been directed to provide the university with an updated safety plan, which is currently under review, and will be in place prior to Monday.
*There will be no drilling in the building for the remainder of the semester.
I am aware that there are social media posts reporting the building was evacuated yesterday due to a “near miss.” This is not true. The concrete debris in the faculty member’s office was discovered upon returning from Spring Break, and no concrete debris fell into a classroom at any time.
I recognize this is a stressful situation. For which I offer my most sincere and heartfelt apology.
After multiple independent inspections yesterday and today, as well as meetings with the construction contractor responsible for the building renovation, the university’s Environmental Health, Safety and Emergency Management team has determined it is safe for you to enter the building to retrieve any belongings you may need before Monday.
Given the results of the inspections to date and the assurance that no drilling will take place for the remainder of the semester, the plan is for the building to re-open Monday morning at 8 am.
I want to express my appreciation to Interim Chair Joshua White for his swift response to the complaints he received. Please note, if you ever have any university-related safety concerns, you can report them at the website appsafety.appstate.edu.
Shannon Campbell