Dr. Brooke Hofsess, Chair of the Department of Art, and Jeana Klein, Assistant Chair of the Department of Art, both received the Board of Governors Appalachian State University School/College Award, each getting a $1,000 prize.
They were presented with their awards by Chancellor Sheri Everts on Friday, Aug. 26, during her State of the University speech.
"I have always loved teaching and receiving this award has been a validation of how I do this thing that I love so deeply," Klein said.
Both Hofsess and Klein teach in the Department of Art, in addition to their work as chair and assistant chair. Klein focuses on fibers and studio art, while Hofsess teaches art education. Hofsess said the following about winning the award:
"At the start of my tenth-year teaching at Appalachian State, it was incredibly meaningful to be recognized for my dedication to teaching teachers. My latest book, 'Reconceptualizing Early Career Teacher Mentoring as Reggio-Inspired: Insights from Collaborative Research with Art Educators,' is heading to press this month. This book is dedicated to the graduates of our Art Education program who choose to continue working with me in a mentoring capacity for their first several years in the classroom. The timing of this recognition feels significant and incredibly heartwarming."