How do I declare or change a minor?

If you are currently a declared student in the College of Fine & Applied Arts and seeking to add or change a minor you must complete the FAA Add/Change Major or Minor Form on our website.

If you are a student whose major is not declared in the College of Fine & Applied Arts and seeking to add or change a minor,  you must complete your respective college's process.  

College of Fine & Applied ArtsComplete FAA Request for Change of Major/Minor/Catalog Year Form online
College of Arts & SciencesComplete CAS Request for Change of Major/Minor/Catalog Year Form online
Walker College of BusinessMust make an appointment to meet with a business advisor to complete WCOB change of major form.
Reich College of EducationComplete RCOE Request for Change of Major/Minor/Catalog Year Form online
Beaver College of Health ScienceComplete BCHS Request for Change of Major/Minor/Catalog Year Form online
Hayes School of MusicStudent will need to audition for admission into the program