Exception to the Drop Policy

In rare circumstances, a late or extra drop may be requested if documented extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control occurred after the official drop date and prevented the student from completing a course. Students may review the Request for an Exception to the Drop Policy form on the Registrar's Office website for more information.

Not Extenuating Circumstances

Failing the course
Course not needed for major
Changed major
Doesn't get along with the instructor
Working long hours at outside job

Extenuating Circumstances 
(Documentation must be provided)

Medical Issues - See Student Health Services
Accident impairing attendance
Death in the immediate family

Requests for exceptions to the drop policy must be submitted to the appropriate office with the required documentation.  Please review the form for instructions and required documentation.  Students should continue attending the class unless the exception has been approved and you no longer see the course(s) in your AppalNet.